Porsche Slovenia Assistance is a mobility guarantee service that is provided to all vehicle owners who perform regular service checks at an authorized Volkswagen network repairer. The mobility guarantee is extended by an authorized service technician each time after a service check.
Roadside assistance for Volkswagen Vehicles
in Slovenia: 080 19 18
For calls from EU: +386 1 58 25 102
No worries even in the event of a breakdown or an accident on the road.
When you need assistance, just call.
Help is available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
It is valid in Slovenia and in Europe.
In the event of an accident or breakdown, call Porsche Slovenija Assistance.
In accordance with the terms of Porsche Slovenia – Volkswagen Assistance, we will arrange roadside repairs or provide towing for the vehicle and help get your car to the service as soon as possible, and we can provide you with alternative transport and support on the way to your destination.
Assistance Porsche Slovenia – we are with you until the problems are solved
We deliver your vehicle after repair
In the event of a vehicle breakdown in Slovenia, the vehicle is towed away, after repair at the service station, we deliver it to the agreed location. In the event of a breakdown or an accident abroad, when the vehicle cannot be repaired at the service station within three days, we arrange for the vehicle to be transported to Slovenia.
We make it easy for you to supply spare parts
In the event of a breakdown or accident, we quickly deliver the necessary spare parts (for a fee) and cover the costs of shipping, customs, air transport, parcel post or express mail.
We will reimburse you for the additional costs
We reimburse expenses such as the cost of calls or parking fees for the vehicle.
We also help you with minor problems
Help with minor problems, such as a dead battery, changing a damaged wheel, lack of engine oil, coolant or fuel. We reimburse the costs of roadside assistance or possible towing of the vehicle due to incorrect fuel filling or wheel failure for a vehicle equipped with a tire repair kit, if you are unable to drive the vehicle yourself.
With Porsche Slovenia Assistance, we provide our customers with timely and professional assistance on the road. Regardless of the circumstances of the accident or breakdown, we offer our services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Available in Slovenia and throughout Europe.
Mobility guarantee
The mobility guarantee provided by Porsche Slovenia Assistance can be valid for the entire lifetime of your vehicle. The Porsche Slovenia Asistance does not represent a commitment within the framework of the warranty or extended warranty that belong to the vehicle owner based on the purchase of the vehicle within the framework of the authorized dealer network of the Volkswagen brand, but rather means the guarantee of high-quality services provided within the framework of the authorized service network. In accordance with the above, Porsche Slovenia – Volkswagen Assistance is extended with each service check that is carried out at an authorized Volkswagen service center in Slovenia and in accordance with the Instructions for Use and/or the Service Booklet.
More about Porsche Slovenia – Volkswagen Assistance
The Volkswagen brand pays great attention to the comfort and well-being of its customers. Only safety and an exceptional feeling when driving Volkswagen vehicles contribute to this fact. Complete satisfaction of loyal customers requires comprehensive attention to their needs. In the company Porsche Slovenija d.o.o. we have prepared a program for you, with which we undertake to be with you in the event of any inconvenience you may have with the vehicle.
For worry-free mobility, with Porsche Slovenia – Volkswagen Assistance, in the event of a breakdown or accident, we offer help day and night, at home and abroad. We help you with short tips on what to do in the event of a traffic accident and how we reward loyalty.
For more information about the extended warranty, please contact the AC Kondor sales staff.